Dario was born on 22nd July 1986 in Zagreb. After finishing the Zagreb Health School, vocation Dental Technician, Dario studied at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, from which he graduated in 2012. During studies, he was a student tutor at the Department of Dental Prosthetics. In 2013, he finished his internship and in 2014 passed the state examination and received his operating license.
Certificates and education: in 2009 passed the course "Little secrets for big practice", in 2013 passed a several-day working course in dental implantology ''The Straumann Dental Implant System'' , in 2014 passed the working course "Surgical protocol for the ICX dental implants'', in 2015 passed the course "Drilling in fixed prosthodontic therapy 3,2,1, go", in 2015 passed the course "Imprint and interjaw registry in fixed prosthodontic therapy 3,2,1, go". In 2016 he passed a 6-day working course in dental implantology ''Enter -Insert-Control'' by Ankylos Implant System.